Month: October 2011

  • When Foul is Fair

    “To My Mind, to Kill in War is not a Whit Better than to Commit Ordinary Murder”–Einstein When U.S-born Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan were killed by our government a few weeks ago there was in some quarters a mild tone of rumbling dissent, but the overwhelming response seemed to be a collective sigh of…

  • Displaced

    The sky’s so vast here in the Midwest Stretching like a giant rainbow reaching Side to side across the earth. Some days I wonder if I climb up high Could I just see my home from here? But there are no tall trees in the prairie, The highest thing a dormitory. On rainy days droplets…

  • Whither Baseball?

    I’ve been watching October baseball these last few weeks.  Now I will admit that I didn’t grow up playing the game or even watching it; I’m a cricket and soccer kind of guy.  The first time I watched baseball was in 1985. I was in Bahrain and the World Series between the Cardinals and Royals…

  • Steve Jobs, Messiah? Hardly!

    How easily we turn people into messiahs.  Steve Jobs was an innovative genius who professed Buddhism yet pursued a relentlessly material career, creating such a fanatical culture in quest of excellence that many Apple employees were estranged from their families.  Here’s what he once said: “You’d be surprised how hard people work around here.  They…